For a premium user, the maximum length of the input text is 100.000, this allows you to create a video of around 1 hour and 40 minutes with an aspect ratio of 16:9. This video can include multiple sequences, each sequence can have an input text with a length of 5.000.
Step 1: get a Rollideo API key
Create a free Rollideo account
or log into your account to get your secret API key.
Step 2: the voices
Select the voices to read your text
, each voice has a code to be used as an input parameter.
Step 3: choose the pictures
You have to choose the pictures that will be displayed in your video. You can divide the whole text into successive parts, and for each part you can choose a different picture that will be the corresponding background image.
Note that the pictures will be automatically cropped to a ratio of 16:9 if needed when the video is created.
Supported image formats: .jpg .png
Step 4: upload the pictures
Upload the images from step 3 to the website
(if you want to use another image hosting website, please use
the contact page
and it can be added).
For each image the URL will be used as an input parameter.
To get the URL of an image on, select it, click on share, and the URL will be displayed into the Link field (you can also right click on the image and chose open image in a new tab to get the URL).
Step 5: write the API request.
You can check
the API documentation
, or directly jump to the examples:
► Call the API with cURL
► Call the API with Python
► Call the API with Javascript
At the end of the video generation, the API will provide a link to download the video.
A final thought:
One of the advantages of the API is that you can quickly make some changes with the text, the voices or the pictures to create a new version of a video.
The voices are available in many languages, if you want to quickly create the same video in other languages, you can just use an automatic translation tool (like or Google Translate), and call the Rollideo API with the translated text as an input.