Rollideo is a service to generate a video from a text.
Examples to show how to call the APIs are available for
Python and Javascript.
Rollideo uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can get an API key by creating a free account in Rollideo.
Rollideo expects the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like:
'x-api-key': 'API_KEY'
The video generation API is under rate limits for the number of API calls allowed.
For a premium user, the limits are: 1 call per minute and 100 calls per day.
For a free account, the limits are: 1 call per minute and 20 calls per day.
Full API path: ''
text_segments list required
A list with the successive segments of the video.
textforvideo string required
This text segment will be read in the video.
For a premium user, the maximum text segment length is limited to 5000, and the maximum number of segments is 20.
It means that for a video made with a premium account, the maximum total length for the input text is 100.000 (5000x20), this allows you to create a video of around 1 hour and 40 minutes in one call.
For a free account, the maximum text segment length is limited to 5000, and the number of segments is limited to 1 only.
voice_id string required
This voice will read the text segment. All the voice codes are listed
on this page.
picture string required
The URL of the picture for the text segment. is the only image hosting website included in this version of the API. If you want to use another image hosting website, please use the contact page and it can be added.
Supported image formats: .jpg .png
api_source_type string required
'picture' is the only managed option in this version of the API. Other options will be added.
merge_subtitle string optional
Default value 'yes'
'yes' means that the subtitles are irreversibly merged into the video frames.
'no' means that no subtitles are merged into the video frames.
rgb_bg_letter string optional
Color of the background rectangle behind the text.
Default value 'rgb(0,0,0)'
This string includes a RGB decimal code, for example 'rgb(0,0,255)' is blue and 'rgb(0,0,0)' is black.
number_opacity string optional
'0' means the background behind the letter is fully transparent.
'100' means it has no transparency. Use an integer between 0 and 100 in the string.
Default value '100'
vertical_text_position string optional
'default' means the text is at the bottom of the image.
'centered' means the text is vertically centered.
Default value 'default'
launched string
'ok' or 'ko'.
task_id string
This task_id is used to poll the task status with the endpoint ''
message string
Information about the process.
To poll with the task_id returned by the previous step.
Full API path: ''
task_id string required
For each video generation launched, a task_id has been created.
success string
Signal if the video creation is a success.
'ok' or 'ko'
ended string
Signal if the task is ended.
'ok' or 'ko'
url_video string
The url to download the video, the URL has a signature with a maximum validity of 1 week.
message string
Information about the process.