Why YouTube automatic captions have a lot of mistakes?

07 May, 2022


Captions are a great way to make content accessible for the viewers.


There are two types of captions on YouTube videos: those created and uploaded by the original creator, and those generated automatically by the YouTube AI.


Only a small percentage of YouTube content creators take the time to make captions for their videos.


Most are happy to let the voice recognition software automatically create them, but while the AI auto-captions are getting better, they’re still nowhere near as accurate as human-created ones.


As YouTube itself admits, "automatic captions might misrepresent the spoken content due to mispronunciations, accents, dialects, or background noise."


Here is what you can read on the YouTube support website:


YouTube can use speech recognition technology to automatically create captions for your videos.


These automatic captions are generated by machine learning algorithms, so the quality of the captions may vary. We encourage creators to add professional captions first. YouTube is constantly improving its speech recognition technology. You should always review automatic captions and edit any parts that haven't been properly transcribed.


How to create 100% accurate subtitles?


You can hire a freelance transcriber on a specialized platform, or you can use a video creation tool. For example the website rollideo.com is a video creation service with auto-generated subtitles and voice-overs.


A video generation tool creating at the same time the voice-overs and the captions will always deliver accurate subtitles.


You can try rollideo.com if your goal is to create videos with great subtitles and beautiful voice-overs.