Clickbait: How to use power words for your video titles

02 January, 2024

chocked by clickbait


We can see a lot of clickbait titles on YouTube.




Because the title is the most important part of a video when you discover a new content from a creator that you don't know.


The clickbait titles are performing well since they use psychological mechanisms to make viewers click on a video.


Clickbait titles are filled with power words.


What are power words?


Power words can trigger a positive or negative emotional response. They can make us feel scared, angry, greedy, or curious for example.


You can use power words to spice up the title of your videos.


The 6 types of power words are:


1. Fear Power Words


Fear is the most powerful emotion for grabbing people’s attention.


Examples of Fear Power Words: Bloody - Nightmare - Scream



2. Lust Power Words


Lust is one of the core human emotions. As a content creator, you can use words that inspire lust to make almost anything intriguing.


Examples of Lust Power Words: Exposed - Dirty - Naughty



3. Anger Power Words


If you want to connect with people’s anger, use these kind of power words.


Examples of Anger Power Words: Greedy - Nasty - Annoying



4. Greed Power Words


Many of these power words are overused, but that doesn’t stop them from working.


Examples of Greed Power Words: Fortune - Successful - Money



5. Safety Power Words


People need to believe they’ll get results.


Examples of Safety Power Words: Results - Proven - Risk-free



6. Forbidden Power Words


We’re all fascinated by the mysterious and forbidden. It’s programmed into our nature.


Examples of Forbidden Power Words: Secret - Strange - Forbidden



Now that you know more about the power words, you probably want to practice and to write your own clickbait titles.


If you are looking for inspiration, a clickbait generator powered by AI can be useful.


These AI tools are available in many languages. For example ClickBlow is a French headline generator specialized in clickbait.