The 7 advantages of converting a website article into a YouTube video

18 September, 2021

Are you considering turning one of your articles into a video?


Here is a list of the seven advantages of converting an article into a YouTube video.



1. It’s fast and easy to convert a text into a video.


Just use an online video generation tool with automatic voice-over creation. For example Rollideo will generate a video adapted to the YouTube recommendations, with an aspect ratio of 16:9 and High Definition. Try it to convert your article into a video in one click!



2. It’s mobile friendly.


Listening to an article on YouTube is mobile friendly: you just have to launch the video in one touch. When you read an article you have to scroll and it can be complicated when you are walking in the street. More than half of the people worldwide access the internet with mobile devices.



3. YouTube has a huge audience.


YouTube is the world’s second-most visited website, right after its parent company, Google. It’s also the world’s second-most used social platform, behind Facebook, the number one. 74% of adults in the U.S.A. use YouTube.



4. Videos with subtitles are more watched.


Adding captions is a proven way to make a video more effective. Sometimes people want to watch a video in a loud place (like in a public transport without earphones), and the captions help them to understand the video. Sometimes people want to watch a video in a quiet place, and to don't disturb the others, they watch the video without the sound.


According to many studies, adding captions to your videos will help to boost engagement metrics. A study by PLYMedia (unaffiliated with Rollideo) has measured an increase in 40% for views of captioned videos.


For the non-native speakers, a video with subtitle is easier to understand.



5. The video previews on the YouTube app have no sound.


If the user can see the subtitle in the preview, he will have a better understanding of the content of the video before opening it. If you have his interest, you have more chance that the user will open your video.



6. You will have an excellent sound quality for your video.


With the automatic video generation tools, you can generate a voice-over of high quality. With a bad sound quality, many people will quickly stop to watch a video.


The other day I was really interested in a conversation between 2 YouTubers. With one of them the sound quality was good enough, but for the other one the sound was distorted. I have to give up after one minute of painful listening!



7. Add a backlink to your article for SEO.


Just add a backlink in the YouTube video description, and the YouTube users can discover your website through it. Simple as that.