How to choose a voice-over on Upwork?

14 September, 2021


To record the voice for your video, you can cast a voice-over artist through an online service like Upwork.


With Upwork, you can post a job easily, and then freelancers will begin to apply for it.


You can also contact some freelancers directly on Upwork. You can use the keywords "Voice Over" to find a freelancer to contact. With this method of direct contact, you can select a candidate with more accuracy.


Check if the freelancer has a dedicated home studio, which includes voice-over equipment, and also acoustic treatments of the room.


To deliver an audio file of high quality, a freelancer needs talent and expensive equipment. This is why experienced freelancers are charging around one hundred dollars per hour.


If you want to save money, a beginner charges less but this is a more risky choice, of course.


In the requirements of the job, ask the candidate to read a few sample lines, to know if you like his voice and to check the sound quality. It’s easier to check the audio quality by using a headphone.



Be sure to define what you expect to be delivered, for example:


- About the pace of the voice: indicate if a quick, slow, or middle speed is needed.


- Do you want an edited version of the audio file, the raw takes, or both?


- Indicate what kind of files you would like the voice-over artist to deliver (for example an MP3 file).


Start the collaboration (the first paid job) with an audio file of few minutes to check the freelancer professionalism, and then you can ask for something bigger.



But what if you want to do the voice-over yourself?


The biggest problem is that you need a home studio, or you will hear the noisy neighbors in the audio file. The sound quality is just too important to make compromises with. Without some acoustic treatment in your room, the chances are slim-to-none that you will have any chance at recording a decent audio file.



What about using a voice generator (also called computer speech)?


The voices generated with artificial intelligence are getting closer to the best natural voice.


Their drawback is that a top-notch voice-over talent can put a lot of emotions in his speech. A computer will never beat that.


For a basic task, the use of automatic voice generator will become more and more common, and most people will not tell the difference between the voice of an artificial intelligence and the human voice.


If you want to check a voice and video generator, check the website


With Rollideo you can choose many options with the voice generator, and it’s the fastest and easiest way to generate a video with a voice-over.