Can you monetize videos with AI voice-overs?

06 May, 2022

YouTube doesn't have a specific policy against using a text to speech software to create voice-overs for your videos.


YouTube will not delete your channel if you are using an AI voice generator.


But can you monetize videos with AI voice-overs?


YouTube doesn't like what they consider repetitive content. Repetitive contents can be created with a text to speech software. For example, YouTube doesn’t want to have a channel uploading thousands of videos of a computer software reading thousands posts from a forum. A channel like that will be demonetized.


In the YouTube channel monetization policies, you can find the rules about repetitious content. Here is what you can read:


Repetitious content refers to channels where the content is so similar, viewers may have trouble spotting the difference between videos on the same channel.


This policy applies to your channel as a whole. In other words, if you have many videos that violate our guidelines, monetization may be removed from your entire channel.


Content that violates this guideline:


When a channel’s content consists of similar content, it can frustrate viewers who come to YouTube for appealing and interesting videos. That means channels where content is only slightly different from video to video are not allowed to monetize. In other words, your channel shouldn’t consist of content that’s automatically created or produced using a basic template.


Examples of what’s not allowed to monetize (this list is not exhaustive):


- Content that exclusively features readings of other materials you did not originally create, like text from websites or news feeds.


- Similar repetitive content, or mindless content with low educational value, commentary, or narrative.


- Templated, mass-produced, or programmatically generated content.


- Image slideshows or scrolling text with minimal or no narrative, commentary, or educational value.


According to these rules, programmatically generated content can't be monetized on YouTube.


The term "programmatically generated content" usually means that the content is created by an artificial intelligence system. For example, some AI can create daily news articles by compiling articles founded online, and paraphrasing them.


Another example is an AI creating articles about the weather by automatically using the weather data.


A video using a text created by an AI will be demonetized, according to the YouTube policy.


There is no rule against monetization of original contents put into videos, and using AI voice-overs.


There are rules against mass-production of repetitive videos.